Fresh Tea

Discover the beauty of the empty cup and get inspired to pour a new fresh tea. 

Healing the Wounded Warrior

Find yourself within the nurturing embrace of the lily as you sway gently on the waves of the ocean, ready to emergeĀ  and embrace your true essence as a warrior of light as you gently heal.

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Explore More of Our Inspirational Stories

Experience the wonder and wisdom that our blog has to offer. Be inspired to find balance and empowerment in your daily life.

A little Healing activity

Hey there! Today I had an amazing experience learning from Manta Chia online. I am feeling inspired and wanted to share a relaxation method that I came up with during meditation. I believe one glove doesn't fit all so this is what I came up with:

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Find your Inner Warrior and Unleash the Beast

Today I had the privilege of being invited to attend a seminar that was some distance away. As someone with a life long passion for studying martial arts, I have eagerly trained in several forms. However, on this occasion, I chose to explore a practical street defence called Krav Maga.

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The Power Within

Above is a flow of water on Dartmoor. I felt a sense of gratitude and came away pondering if I feel grateful would the water then recall this and flow with gratitude. The power of our thoughts, feelings and vibrations that we emanate!!

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Don't let the Weeds Drown out your seeds

Are you carefully selecting the words you plant in the garden of your thoughts? After all, the seeds you sow today will bloom into the reality of tomorrow. So, be mindful and choose only the most vibrant and inspiring words to build the magnificent garden of your dreams.

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