Your heart garden is a place to replant the seeds and create the garden of your dreams. Releasing all that no longer serves you as you embrace growth and expansion.
We have entered a new year and we welcome you all back with love and light!
Dolores, Laynie and Isabelle
The blanket of love meditation
Well, hello my fellow warriors. After feeling inspired during meditation I felt compelled to share this neat quick visualisation technique.
Where ever you are just give yourself several minutes to just be still.
Close your eyes and allow yourself to drift to a magical place. (It can be your own garden with your own creative splendour.)
Here you feel safe
You feel warmth
You feel surrounded by an abundance of pink love
Approaching you from behind a magical being appears. (It could be a unicorn or anything that springs to mind.)
Suddenly you feel a beautiful fluffy pink blanket wrapping you up like a cocoon
You allow yourself to smile as you begin to feel more connected to yourself within. (You can place your hands on your heart if the need arises)
If anything negative begins to drift into your mind allow it to drift away as the golden sun begins to emerge beaming upon you warm golden rays of light creating a golden shell around you.
You can remain in this for as long as you need. If anything arises that needs to be released you can grab a journal or await the dragon king who will, if you allow him to take away that which you wish to release to the volcano over the woodlands where he will burn them away.
Feel free to try this at any time as much as you like. If you are unable to visualise then just feel or sense.
With love, light and a hoot of an owl.
Wu Wei Warriors
P.S You can download the free image card if it helps or if you are savvy you can create your own!
Tending to Your Inner Heart Garden with Love
Your heart is like a garden, a sacred and cherished space where emotions, dreams, and connections are given the chance to truly blossom and thrive in their unique beauty. Tending to your inner heart garden with love and care demands patience, mindfulness, and consistent effort, much like the attention and dedication a real garden needs in order to grow beautifully and vibrantly. By nurturing your inner self with intention, purpose, and attentiveness, you create the perfect conditions for positivity, compassion, and personal growth to flourish abundantly and bring joy into your life. Cultivate kindness not only towards yourself but also towards those around you, as this practice strengthens bonds and spreads harmony, and make it a conscious habit to pull out the persistent and stubborn weeds of negativity and self-doubt that may creep in unexpectedly. Water your deepest aspirations with hope and determination, and nourish your soul with a profound sense of gratitude for every small and significant step forward in your journey. Always remember, a well-tended heart garden not only enriches and transforms your own life but also radiates an undeniable beauty, warmth, and inspiration to everyone fortunate enough to encounter its glow. Begin today – nurture your inner heart garden with love, care, and unwavering dedication, and watch it bloom and thrive in ways you never imagined possible.
Connecting with the Inner child
Imagine giving yourself an inner warrior with a superpower. Who would you be, and what superpower would you possess? How would your super power and warrior spirit guide you through life, and what defining characteristics would they exhibit?
Feel free to document your discoveries, enjoy yourself and let your imagination run wild! If you find that your decisions don't feel right, don't hesitate to experiment with new concepts. Remember, life is all about venturing into the unknown and making new decisions.
Don't forget to take time to nurture your heart garden and reflect on the warrior you are becoming! Discovering your inner warrior transcends all you have been told, surpassing all the lies we tell ourselves. Enjoy the journey!!
As I gaze into my heart garden, I've intentionally cultivated a wild, untamed oasis filled with medicinal weeds that some may find undesirable. Within this haven, nature flourishes unchecked, with squirrels darting about and scaling the trees. The once-clear pond has now taken on a slightly murky hue, necessitating the donning of my trusty wellies. Perhaps come spring, I'll undertake the task of restoring its clarity. For now, my heart garden remains a messy splendour, with things in nature I cherish. Autumn is my favourite time of the year which invokes my playfulness in my heart garden where I can be wherever I want to be.
Nothing has to be perfect!! I can be messy and as creative as I choose!!
What is in your heart garden this Autumn? Take out what no longer is serving you and replant and recreate a new you and enjoy the journey!!