Today, I made the choice to let go of connections with people whose paths diverged from mine long ago.
As I reflected on this, I envisioned these old, expired connections burning away, fading from my life like flames extinguished by the wind. The feelings of nausea and the pounding in my head were signs—a reminder that these were energies I no longer needed around me.
As healers, we often get caught in the cycle of trying to fix others, only to wonder why we feel drained or why we repeatedly need to cleanse our own energy. The truth is, our primary responsibility is to be the light for ourselves and to establish strong boundaries. Boundaries, however, can be challenging—they often reveal the unhealed sides of others, which can lead to difficult situations. Many of us have been in that messy, uncomfortable space. But if we haven’t healed within ourselves, it’s easy for our energy to become entangled with others, disrupting our own journey.
Later, as I sat down to make plans for my creative projects, I sensed someone else exploring their own skills but holding back due to doubt. Perhaps they feared disapproval or resistance to change. But the truth is, change is inevitable. Even rivers don’t remain the same; they flow gently or fiercely, depending on the weather. Change, like nature, is a constant and unpredictable force.
Sometimes change is messy, but eventually, there comes a moment when you realise it’s for the better. Isn’t that what life is all about? Change, growth, and the birth of new, innovative ideas. If this resonates with you, keep moving forward, even when it feels like things aren’t working out. Keep experimenting with new ideas. You are incredible, and we weren’t put on this earth to be people-pleasers. Life is about playfulness, exploration, and embracing both the highs and the lows. After all, how can you fully appreciate light if you’ve never experienced darkness?
Be kind to yourself and embrace the journey, because to me, failure is just an opportunity in disguise—a chance to start anew and write a fresh chapter. Remember, we are all stars, born to shine brilliantly. So keep shining and inspiring others to ignite their own light.