Time to release

Published on 15 September 2024 at 00:43

As the super moon is due to grace our skies, I feel a compelling urge to release any remaining debris that no longer serves me. Life's journey of growth and expansion has led me to a profound realisation: We are all more than just labels, categories that society can impose on us. 

We are all radiant beings beneath the shell, each harbouring dormant gifts waiting to be unearthed. Reflecting on years spent in stagnant environments , I find it hard to imagine a life devoid of personal growth and expansion. Despite the passage of time, I have found that the longing for those days has slowly dissipated as my need to fit in diminishes.  I seek genuine connection rather than anything promoting self interest. However, I have arrived at a juncture where I view every individual as a being of light, regardless of the nature of their journey. This is often challenging and takes much understanding and compassion.

Although I am very wary of returning to fraught relationships, I wholeheartedly believe this is unconditional love, where I have no expectation from other individuals creating room for personal growth and expansion as I shift the remaining debris along my time lines making room for the transformational power and growth it brings.

By recognising the light beneath the behaviours I find peace, balance and harmony within!!

To shift the old stuff that no longer serves be prepared for discomfort and resistance to change!! Get out those journals and you may even want to invest in a punch bag!! My personal choice for release is nature and swimming.

Clear the debris so the light within can shine to its highest potential.